Acupuncture in York, Maine
Welcome to Patrick Fahey Acupuncture in York, Maine where we specialize in treating conditions that are related to stress, neurological, respiratory, gynecology and fertility, cardiovascular, chronic and acute pain, immune system support, and many more using acupuncture (Chinese and Japanese styles), and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our acupuncture clinic is located at 2 Southside Drive, York Maine, for easy access from York, Kittery, and other York County neighborhoods.
Come experience natural care for:
- Musculoskeletal pain relief
- Anxiety
- Infertility
- Insomnia
- Migraines/headaches
- Arthritis
- Depression
- Asthma
- Fatigue
- Menstrual disorders
Patrick Fahey Acupuncture
2 Southside Rd
York, ME 03902
York, ME 03902
Monday - Friday
8am - 4pm